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Truck Frame Treated with Black Wax Undercoating in a Can Truck Frame Treated with Black Wax Undercoating in a Can

"Goes on like butter. If I can do it anyone can."

Shop Black Wax

"Black Wax covers the bottom of a RAM 2500 very nicely."

- Joe F.

Shop Black Wax
Ram 2500 Underside treated with Black Wax Undercoating in a CanRam 2500 with Case of Black Wax Undercoating in a Can
Buggy Dashboard treated with Rubberized Undercoating in a Can

"It works great! I used it on my Buggy dashboard, and it still looks brand new."

- Michael K.

Shop Rubberized

"We were surprised by how even and smooth the coating went on considering our sub-par spray painting abilities. Having been applied for a year now, the rubberized coating has held up extremely well."

- Matt B.

Shop Rubberized
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1999 Jeep Cherokee Sport Underbody - 1 Year Review of Rubberized UndercoatingProject XJ - 1 year being Undercoated with UCIAC's Rubberized Coat

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